The Internet is a worldwide network of millions of connected devices. It is beneficial to transmit data from a particular network to another. You can also search for the required information. When browsing the Internet, speed is very important to download the required information and perform other tasks.

What is an Online Internet Speed Test?

Internet speed tests can be used to determine the speed of your broadband connection and mobile data services.

How Does an Online Internet Speed Test Work?


When you start the speed test, a single packet from your devices such as a laptop, desktop, mobile phone or tablet is sent and calculates the time it takes to return. Latency is measured in milliseconds (ms).


The latency test is repeated multiple times among low values to determine the final result.

Download Speed:

The maximum amount of data your device can get from the internet per second.

Upload Speed:

The maximum amount of data your device can send over the internet per second.


The speed at which you can upload and download data from the Internet.

Purpose of a Siti speed test:

Siti speed tests serve multiple important functions in enhancing the user’s internet experience. Primarily, they provide an accurate evaluation of Siti broadband network performance, enabling users to determine the actual speed of their internet connection. Additionally, these tests help users diagnose and identify potential internet speed issues.

Moreover, the speed test plays a crucial role in ensuring that users receive the level of service promised by Siti Internet providers. It serves as an accountability tool, allowing customers to verify whether their internet speeds correspond to the subscribed package or not. This verification method ensures transparency and builds trust in the products and services provided by Truemove.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Perform a Speed Test:

If you want to check your internet speed with Siti, you can do it easily by following a few simple steps. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Starting the Test

Visit the website and locate the Siti Speed Test tool, which is usually displayed prominently for quick access. Once you find it, click the “Start Test” or a similar button to begin the speed test.

  1. Wait for Results:

The program will take a few moments to complete the speed test, during which it will assess various aspects of your internet connection, such as download and upload speeds and ping. The test usually provides results within a minute.

Factors Affecting Internet Speed:

Distance with the towers:

The distance of a user with cell towers affects their internet speed. If a person is closer to a tower, they will have a stronger and more stable signal. However, factors such as terrain and interference can weaken the signal and reduce speeds for those further away.

Network Congestion:

High network usage, especially during weekends, can cause congestion and slower speeds as the available bandwidth is shared among more users.

Quality of User’s Device:

The type and specifications of the user’s device can also impact internet speed. Older devices or those with lower processing power may struggle with high-speed connections. Additionally, the type of connection technology (such as Wi-Fi standards) enabled by the device can affect the maximum possible speed.

What is a good internet speed?

A good internet speed ranges from 15 Mbps to 25 Mbps. These speeds will support your online activities such as streaming HD video, 4K videos, online gaming, web surfing, social media browsing and music downloads.

In addition, the internet must support at least three devices simultaneously.