It would be a mistake to rely on your network service provider for a speed test. When assessing the internet speed, broadband service companies frequently exclude some aspects. They apply their testing tools to generate a result that may or may not include the variable you intended to test.

The Speed Test Tool from, on the other hand, takes into account all variables and tests the network speed of all broadband service providers using the same parameters. As a result, it will give you an unbiased test result. You’ll see if your connection is working properly or not.

Introduction to NineStar Connect Service Provider:

The network service provider NineStar Connect is a well-known internet service provider. It provides customers with high-speed internet access. You can experience dependable, high-speed internet with NineStar Connect, enabling you to stream high-quality films, play games or work on your device without interruptions. In addition, NineStar Connect allows you to boot up large documents in the blink of an eye. You can play, upload and stream with numerous devices, thanks to the strong Wi-Fi signal.

NineStar Connect network plans are not one-size-fits-all. There is a plan for every type of network user, from those who just check their emails or surf social media to those who use powerful software for work, streaming shows or films, online gaming, designing and so on. It provides a safe, dependable and fast broadband/internet/network connection.

The elements of NineStar Connect speed test results:

The network speed test results are divided into four parts. They are the download, upload, ping and jitter speeds. Let’s see the details of each element:

  • Download test

It refers to how quickly a user may download data from the network. The download speed determines the network’s acceptable performance. It is measured in megabits per second (Mbps). If the speed test results show that your download speed is insufficient to handle online streaming, gaming or other similar activities, consider your internet to be slow.

  • Upload test

Upload speed indicates the rate at which someone can upload data via a broadband connection. It is expressed in megabits per second (Mbps).

  • Ping test

It is the duration it takes for data to reach its destination, measured in milliseconds. The latency should ideally be less than 100 milliseconds. If it is greater than 200 milliseconds, your internet connection is slow. It may cause disruptions while making video calls, surfing or engaging in other similar activities.

  • Jitter test

It is the time it takes for data to arrive at its destination. Milliseconds are also used to measure it. It should ideally be 100 milliseconds. A latency of more than two milliseconds is unacceptable since it creates network interruptions.


Which upload speed is recommended?

Even though network service providers prioritize boot-up time, a network connection that provides equal download and upload speed is desirable in every way. An upload speed of 1 to 100 Mbps is recommended.

At what speed can I get a good internet connection?

The recommended speed for internet browsing is between 4 and 6 Mbps. At this speed, you can effortlessly stream high-definition 720p videos. It enables you to play videos in less than 20 minutes.

What should I use to assess Wi-Fi speed?

Most internet service providers use their tools to measure network speed. However, these tests only yield partial results because broadband service providers neglect key critical elements. As a result, checking the internet speed with an external speed test is necessary to get accurate findings.